sorted system: donation bag

Hey there, busy mamas! Today, your home organizing expert is bringing you some invaluable insights into a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of maintaining an organized and clutter-free space – regular edits. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and let's dive into the world of streamlined living.

The Initial Challenge: The Purge

In my 12+ years of experience as a home organizing expert, I've noticed that the majority of our time with new clients is dedicated to the initial step of purging unwanted or unneeded items. The longer a family has gone without editing, the more time and effort we invest in this stage.

However, fear not! There's a game-changer that can significantly reduce this daunting task – regular edits throughout the year.

What makes that easy?

A donation bag on hand!

Regular Edits: Your Shortcut to Organized Bliss

Imagine a world where your spaces not only get organized more quickly but also don't look or feel overwhelmingly cluttered. This is the magic of regular edits. Spending a little time consistently throughout the year to declutter can save you from the chaos that accumulates over time. It's like giving your home a breath of fresh air regularly. If you need a weekly reminder of a 5 minute edit you can make every week… see below and join our Five on Friday segment.

The Motivation: Charitable Giving

As your home organizing expert, I have learned that part of the battle is getting unwanted or unneeded items out of the home (sometimes crucially before little eyes see) is having a place to take said items.

Do. a quick little search of a local charity.

What will they accept?

Can they pickup?

What are their drive up hours?

Having a place to send your unwanted items in mind… prevents your trunk from becoming the mobile donation pile.

Recognizing Patterns: A Hidden Benefit

Here's a little secret about regular edits that most people overlook –

editing helps you recognize patterns of what you don't actually need or value.

As you consistently go through your possessions, you develop a keen awareness of what truly matters to you and your family. This newfound knowledge becomes a powerful deterrent to over-collecting in the future.

The Game-Changer: A Simple System

The intention to regularly edit your possessions becomes a breeze when you have a designated place for your old, tired, or unwanted items. Implementing a simple system for collecting and storing items earmarked for donation is great for making decluttering effortless.

Conclusion: Your Path to Streamlined Living

In conclusion, busy mamas, embracing regular edits and incorporating charitable giving into your home organization routine is the key to a clutter-free and harmonious living space. As your home organizing expert, I encourage you to make this a part of your home organization journey. Trust me, the rewards extend far beyond just an organized home – it's a lifestyle that brings joy, simplicity, and intention into every corner of your life.

Happy organizing, and here's to a clutter-free and purposeful home!

Gain access to Five minute edits, released every Friday, to get your “declutter muscle” inspired. It’s just five minutes of inspo… that might lead to more. Click the “Five on Friday Access Page” button above and be directed to the page to subscribe.


Organized kitchen at Lennox