Organizing a kid’s bedroom

Hey Sorted Mama, it’s that time of year! Prepping the kiddos for a new school year and cleaning out the bedroom! Cue the scary music. Kidding! It’s actually a pretty simple process that I use with my client’s kids and my own- works like peaceful charm every time.

Let's dive into the magical world of kid's bedroom organization, shall we? Get ready for some seriously sorted kiddo spaces that won't make you pull your hair out!

So, guess what? I've got a little secret to spill: I've been letting those drawers in my tween’s room get a little messy. But before you gasp in disbelief, here's the trick – messy drawers are A-OK as long as they're messily sorted! Nothing has to be folded as long as it’s sorted. Yep, that means undies chill with undies, pajamas party with pajamas, and pants hang with pants. We also have a method to what we hang- all tops and one-pieces (dresses, rompers, etc), those aren’t for the drawers.

messily sorted drawers (underwear + socks, pants, pajamas)

Now, onto the fabulous five things I do to keep the chaos at bay in the kiddo kingdom:

1. Trash Can: A trusty trash can is like the VIP bouncer at the door of mess. It's where forgotten candy wrappers, crumpled paper, and random trinkets go to retire. Now when I tell my tween to clean her room an instruction I give is that “all trash be in the trash can.” This helps to define what constitutes as “clean.”

2. Laundry Bin: It’s surprising how many kid’s rooms I organize without a laundry bin… no wonder clothes end up all over the place. But want to know the real trick? Put the laundry bin out in the open without a lid. Lid’s are just an area of resistance. If you must, get a decorative bin so they can see it and use it. Out of sight is out of mind with kid’s, am I right?

3. Memorabilia Bin: Got sentimental treasures piling up? Toss them into the memorabilia bin, where they can have a cozy slumber party. Remember that seashell from last year's vacation? It's living its best life in there! Just make sure you leave it out where your kiddo can access it and add to it.

4. Displays: Every masterpiece deserves its moment in the spotlight. Hang up a display for art and photos, turning the room into an art gallery where creativity reigns supreme. There are so many options for this from cork boards, strung clothes pins (our favorite), to frames. Let your kiddo be part of this decision.

5. Bountiful Bins:Categorization is our jam! From electronics to art supplies, stash 'em in bins labeled with love.

bins, bins, bins!!! create categories and label!

And now, the grand finale: the art of compromise. When it comes to keeping the peace, I'm the queen of "let's meet in the middle." My daughter gets to keep her favorite categories of stuff, but we're talking Marie Kondo level of reduction here. It's all about quality over quantity.

This year the real compromise in her room, her American Girl dolls. She hasn’t really played with them in year, but she still wants them. The compromise for us was to eliminate all of the activity accessories (kitchen, beauty salon, classroom, etc) and only keep her 2 favorite dolls, the bunk bed, a matching shelf her dad made for her, and the clothing.

Next year, if this category is still mostly untouched, I’ll suggest we pack it up and put it in her closet for access if she really wants it. Most of the time I find this step to be the bridge to kid’s finally parting with the category all together… like I said, out of sight, out of mind!

american girl doll collection downsized!

So there you have it, the whimsical ways I keep my kiddo's bedroom shipshape without going full-on drill sergeant. It's all about embracing the organized chaos and making life a tad easier, one sorted category at a time.

Happy organizing, Sorted Mama Squad!


organized and pretty pantry